Tuesday 13 October 2020

I Want to Repent, But ...

 Allah has commanded all the believers to repent. People may be divided into two types, those who
repent and turn to Allaah, and those who do wrong; there is no third category. We are living in a time when many people have strayed far from the religion of Allah, and sin and immorality have become so widespread that there is no one who remains free from the taint of evil except for the one who is protected by Allah. However, Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, thus many people have awoken from the slumber of negligence. They have become aware of their failure to fulfil their duties towards Allah, have regretted their carelessness and sin, and so have started to move towards the beacon of repentance. Others have grown weary of this wretched life of misery, and so they are looking for a way out of darkness and into the Light. But these people face many obstacles which they think stand between them and repentance, some of which exist within their own selves, and others in the world around them. For this reason I have written this brief work, hoping to clear up this confusion, dispel 
doubts, explain wisdom and drive away the Shaytan

  Download book 

Tuesday 9 July 2019

The Way to Real Happiness

Are you happy? Put it differently, in what context can you define your concept and perception of happiness?
This is the very question you need to ask yourself…
You may have plenty of money, successful soci
al relationships, wonderful loving family, and a lot of travels around the world…
You may have a position and high social status…
You may even be a funny laughable person and everybody wants to get closer to you…
…and still be unhappy.
Could all this assure happiness? No, could it?
The fact is that all the above mentioned things are superficial; they cannot achieve human happiness or give us a sense of purpose.
So, happiness isn’t in these things, but why? What is real happiness, and how could you  achieve it ?

A Brief Guide to Islam

A Brief Guide to Islam
Almighty Allah (Allah is the Arabic name of God) has chosen a man who has been renowned for his uprightness, honesty, high moral standards and intelligence. He sent down to this man, Prophet Muhammad, a divine message to disseminate among people. The message included a perfect integrated approach that regulates the course of life, tunes the relationship between God and creations, explains the purposes of existence and helps man lead a God-pleasing way of life. It is a coherent and comprehensive course that covers all aspects of one’s interests and sets aright the human relationship with other beings in the universe.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Le point de départ pour celui qui voudrait se convertir à l’Islam.


Je voudrais savoir s’il existe un point de départ pour une personne qui s’intéresse au vrai Islam car j’ai déjà reçu des réponses divergentes à ce sujet
Louange à Allah
 Oui, il existe bel et bien un très important point de départ qui consiste à prononcer les deux attestations. Voilà la seule réponse à votre question. Pour davantage de détails, se référer aux questions traitées dans la rubrique Services du site / Conversion à l’Islam notamment la question n° 378.
Bienvenue à cette religion. Félicitations pour ce que vous envisagez. Puisse 
Allah vous préserver de  tout mal


Saturday 3 February 2018


This video contains Quran recitation with translating its meanings into English. You can listen to the recitation, see the Arabic text and see the English translation at the same time.